
All over my thirty-four years of experience in teaching English language, I see that many people face some idiomatic barriers give up before reaching their destination: the fluency. Simply because they are not taught to think in English.
The act of learning a new language is to know the other, their customs, their culture, their style of living. This is the aim of this course that it is to take you to the knowledge of the English language.
Surely you will learn a universe of sounds that will entice and so, when you least expect it, will be speaking fluently.
Study, learn and dot. The creation of this message was for the simple reason that this course is a two way road, where the teacher has its compromise with the student to reach the excellence of a good communication in the English language. So that we can achieve this goal, the student has to be engaged and committed to the course.
All you need is to want, you will reach where you wish.